Madrid Circular Letter: Germany’s Long-range General Staff plan for world domination
“Fur uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei”
This circular letter was written and distributed worldwide to the Pan-German (Nazi) movement in 1950 by the German Geopolitical Center in Madrid, Spain. It’s old but still incredibly relevant, as we see the efforts of this evil labor starting to bear fruit today. “Fur uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei” or “For us the war was never over” — German Nazis infiltrated both the super powers (US and USSR) after WW2, and have been working to control both since then. The grand strategy is to co-opt Russia and destroy America (in order to replace the Republic with the Fourth Reich). COVID and the current Ukrainian war are the current tactical nodes being used to further this strategy (which appears to be in its endgame). Be prepared and get out and train now while you still have the chance. - Strider
‘A careful examination of the entire 'Madrid Circular Letter' reveals an iron determination to achieve realisation of the Nazi Thousand-Year Reich, even if it takes a thousand years to achieve. In the European theatre, the German geopoliticians envisaged the creation of a united Europe under German domination.’ Christopher Story, New Underworld Order, page 578)
“The Germans intend to build their new world empire on the ruins of what today constitutes the greatness and power of the United States. Whether these professional plotters will help the Soviets destroy America by military means, or whether they will attempt to subjugate us some day through an 'inside job', is of no relevance'.
'The fact that the German planners regard the United States as doomed becomes clearly visible from the writings of the [Nazi] geopoliticians. The schemers in the Madrid Geopolitical Centre have quite openly described how the United States will be thrown onto the rocks. They are dreaming of building up a new Third Power bloc, and they declare that 'this new power combination would plunge the United States down from its dizzy heights', and they boast that it would depend entirely on their "diplomatic and propaganda finesses when and how we would take over an America enfeebled by its foreign and domestic policies'" T H. Tetens, 'Germany Plots with the Kremlin', pages 137-138.
Christopher Story address the Lawful Rebellion Conference in England 2010
Christopher Story - The European Union Collective
Germany Plots with the Kremlin, T.H. Tetens, Henry Schuman publ, New York, 1953. LCCN 53-7200.
NYT Article Gestapo Agents Are Back Living in Madrid; Had Been Shipped Away to Germany in 1946, By Paul P. Kennedy special To the New York Times. May 1, 1948
(The Following is verbatim from T.H. Tetens’ translation from his book Germany plots with the Kremlin details of which are cited above— Strider)
Madrid Circular Letter
The document reprinted below is a secret memorandum issued by the German Geo-Political Center in Madrid. It constitutes a general analysis of the world political situation after the Korean war broke out. The Madrid Geo-Political Center issues secret memoranda of this type from time to time, which are distributed among key German circles in Bonn as well as in other parts of the world. There is no doubt that the Madrid document constitutes something like a blueprint for the foreign policy of the Bonn government. In a larger sense, the Madrid Circular Letter is a general staff plan for a new German approach to divide and conquer the world. — Frederick T.H. Tetens
(Translated Letter starts here — Strider)
SG 23
Top Secret!
The War in Korea and World Political Possibilities for Germany and Europe
I. The World Situation Five Years After Potsdam
The war in Korea has brought the world political situation to a climax with such momentum that we must reckon seriously with the possibility of a third world war. The repercussions and the impact of the Korea conflict are unforeseeable at the moment and no predicruins can be made as to the possible turn of events.
Certain political and military factors stand out: Russia has used the five years' interval since the end of the war to strengthen her military preparedness in an extraordinary manner, whereas the United States and the western coalition have neglected their military establishment.
Among the unknown imponderables are the following: secret weapons, new tactics, planning for sabotage, extent of future destrues action, choice of theaters of war, and of neutral zones.
The critical world situation compels unemotional and painstaking pondering of all these factors which, in a favorable or unfavorable manner, might infuence the future of Germany and Europe. The war in Korea can bring great opportunities to Germany if she follows a prudent foreign policy; in fact, Germany has already gained many advantages thanks to the present war situation. Nonetheless, there is the danger that through false steps or through the chain reaction of events, the whole of Europe will be swamped by a tidal wave of unimaginable destruction. Such an event must be prevented at all cost. Everything today depends on a far-sighted, subtle and quick-shifting policy which must constantly bear in mind not only the future of Germany, but the destiny of Europe as a whole. We must, by all means, prevent a development whereby Europe will be destroyed between the Russian and the American millstones.
2. The Role of Germany and Europe in the Present Crisis
Not merely Germany, but the whole of Europe has been bled white and is not now in a position to act as a decisive factor in world politics. The aim of German policy, and that of Europe as a whole, must be to remain neutral in any new world conflict no matter the circumstances. This is especially important for Germany for she still has a long way to go until she can regain her political freedom and her economic strength to the fullest extent. Germany has exploited the tension between the East and the West to the utmost and she must continue her efforts in that direction. She must endeavor to influence discreetly the shaping of the future. Not only is it decisive how Germany acts in her own interest, but she in turn is also greatly affected by the policies of the other European powers. England and France today are perhaps more dependent on the United States than the still Occupied West German Republic.
Europe, on the one hand, is today in an unenviable strategic position, but, on the other hand, it eniovs the advantage of being geopolitical center astride the Soviet colossus and the U.S.A. Present Circumstances make it therefore necessary for Europe to be on guard aginst both sides in order to avoid being swallowed up by one of the two collosi.
The dollar imperialism is certainly in no way less aggressive or reckless than communism. The British and French, although former "'allies'" and "victors'" feel the impact of that arrogant dollar diplomacy to a greater extent than we Germans whose sympathy they (USA) hope to gain.
Today Western Europe is relegated to the role of a satellite acting on behalf of America. Schuman in France, and Bevin in England, dance to the tune of the piper in Washington. Europe is being used as the playground for the impudent and shameless dollar diplomacy. Thanks to their solid political education, middle class and labor in Germany have been able to grasp the whole situation in time. Occasionally there arises in France and England resentment against the United States also, but unfortunately, it is too often linked with attacks against Germany.
During the forthcoming months, Germany's foreign policy must be geared to a subtler exploitation of the conflict between the eastern and western blocs. Our aim in the immediate future must be to regain full sovereignty for Western Germany which will eventually result in the restoration of freedom of action to the whole of Europe. With accelerated speed we are approaching the point at which we must liberate Europe from American control. It is Germany's task to take the lead in this campaign. It is up to us to determine the method and the timing.
There is the danger that France or England perhaps even both jointly will return to an independent policy. One or the other of these powers might come to an agreement with Russia and, in either case, this would be at the expense of Germany and the United States.
Such a possibility must be avoided at all cost. Germany must remain the decisive factor in European politics and it is up to her to give the word at the right time.
German foreign policy must be directed with a view to steering Europe clear fromn another world conflict. Conditions for such policy are favorable. The European nations long for peace. The self-interests of France and England categorically demand that a new holocaust must be avoided. The interests of the Vatican run along the same lines. Our paramount attention must be devoted to the preservation of German strength and its native potential ("Erhaltung der deutshen Substanz") . World political events could take such a turn that a situation may emerge in which Russia, North America and a great part of Asia may become the battleground for a third world war whereas Europe might be spared. Were Russia to give a guarantee to the European countries that she would abstain from attacking them the whole of Europe could take a neutral stand in the evens a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, The prevalent mood in every country of Europe is against war, and in England broad masses of the people are convinced that the next war will be one provoked by America. If, therefore, we were to succeed in obtaining from Russia a guarantee that she would respect the neutrality of Europe, then the United States could be confronted with a similar demand, and the war could thus be confined to the territories of both great victorious powers and their vassals. In this manner, German strength (deutsche Substanz) and the resources of Europe would be safeguarded against annihilation. Such an outlook may seem fantastic at the moment, but the policy recommended ("realpolitische Zielsetzung") is the only realistic one which should be followed by Europe today. A war of exhaustion between Russia and America, in which Europe could be spared, would automatically result in the upsurge of a third power bloc. If the continent of Europe succeeds in preserving its strength, it would thus regain the leadership in the world. There are reliable reports that such a policy would have the quiet but vigorous support of the Vatican. It is entirely to the interest of the Roman Catholic Church to see to it that the Orthodox Slavs ("schismatisches Slaventum") and the predominant Protestant North American continent, must be weakened for a long time to come.
In view of the present world political situation ("realpolitische Lage'"), the policy of orientation towards the West has lost all meaning or sense. A conscious policy of neutrality, going hand in hand with close economic cooperation with the East, would, fromn a long range point of view, supersede a merely pro-Soviet orientation. The former would finally bring about our freedom, while the last would keep us in the status of vassals.
We must not forget that Germany has always considered orientation towards the West as a policy of expediency or one to be pursued only under pressure of circumstances. Such was the case in Napoleon’s time, after I9I8, and also after I945. All of our great national leaders have constantly counseled the long range policy of close cooperation with the East; thus, Frederick the Great, Count von Stein Bismarck, von Seeckt, Brockdorff-Rentzau, and, in the past 30 years, all our leading geopoliticians. By the end of 1940, Hitler's policy had run into a blind alley ("Zwangslage'"), and the hard decision had to be made to ensure by means of the sword access to the gigantic sources of raw materials in the East, which Russia would never have delivered voluntarily, and without which we never could expect to force a showdown against the Anglo-American bloc.
Our present policy must be to overcome the consequences of our previous mistakes. An emasculated Germany should never allow itself to be used as a spearhead in an attack against the Russian colossus.
This would be an insane act ("Wahnsinnsexperiment'") and would spell our final doom, whereas Germany as the exponent of European neutrality could gain far-reaching concessions from the Soviets. As we have pointed out again and again, the Russians have no desire whatsoever to burden themselves with all the difculties and complex problems of Europe; they would consider a neutral and well-intentioned Europe, exerting its influence also on the Arab world and Latin America, as the best solution.
We must not let ourselves become befogged by Washington's stupid and meaningless slogans about the "Struggle of Democracy versus Communism." The so-called American democracy does not deserve the sacrifice of the bones of even a single German soldier.
In the age of regimented and militarized economy, the babbling about dermocracy and so-called "free enterprise'" is such nonsense that we need not squander a single moment in refuting this American propaganda swindle.
What Germany needs in the future is not democracy but a system of statecraft similar to that of the Soviet dictatorship which would the political and military elite in Germany to organize the industrial capacity of Europe and the military qualities of the German Or the revival of the German race and the reestablishment of Europe as the power center in the world.
To be continued…